Preventive health care – a mission to save children lives

Preventive health care – a mission to save children lives

What is preventive care and why it is important?

Doctor with Board Preventive Care

Preventive care, or preventive medicine, is understood as all actions taken in order to prevent the disease. This term is very vast and covers a lot of our daily routines. It is said that human organism is affected by many different factors like genetic predispositions, environmental factors, diseases agent and lifestyle. In order to stay healthy, sometimes you will need to modify some of those factors. These modifications can be understood as preventive health care.

Every year, all around the world, lots of people die because of diseases that could be prevented. The problem is very dangerous, especially in developing countries. No access to proper medical care, no health information, and no clear health policy are silent killers of many adults and children. Their deaths could be stopped. That is why preventive care is so important.


Health care system in developing countries – what is the problem?

Many developing countries, like these in Africa for example, do have a big problem with health care system. Governments do not have enough money to cover all the expanses in health care sectors. There are not enough healthcare centers and the poorest families have no access to proper medical care.

Many children have not even heard about primary care physician and let alone visit one. The health information is really scarce. Lots of families are not aware of the dangers that lurk behind the lack of preventive medicine. Many of them do not know that their lives could be saved if only some actions would have been taken early enough.

Unfortunately, solving this problem is not so easy. Governments of developing countries either do not have enough money, or even if, they do not care enough to spend them on health care system. Therefore, many children are simply doomed to die.


Preventive medicine – what do developing countries need?


There are several things that must be taken care of in order to save innocent lives. Firstly, there is a problem of malnutrition. Every human organism needs a particular amount of food. Otherwise, it will be weakened. The weakened organisms of malnourished children are not able to fight off various diseases. Healthy body could easily deal with many sicknesses. It is vital to support those children with proper nutrition.

Secondly, there is a threat of deadly diseases caused by consumption of polluted water. Many kids are forced to drink this water because they have no access to safe drinking water. It is essential for preventive health care to support those kids with necessary amounts of clean water. In this way, we will be able to save even more kids.

Another problem is connected with immunization. We all know that vaccines are important for our future health. Unfortunately, many children do not know of their existence or have no access to them. They are not given a chance for a healthy life. Vaccination is one of the most important elements of preventive health care.

Last but not least, there is a matter of education about hygiene and access to hygiene and wellness supplies. These two points are also very important on our preventive health care list. Proper hygiene and preventive behaviors are able to help children avoid many infections. It is significant to support children in developing countries with supplies such as toiletries, diapers, over-the-counter children’s medications and oral-health products.


What is our health plan for developing countries?

In order to save children lives, Aid for Orphans Relief Foundation developed its own health plan which acts also as a preventive health care system. Our charity organization works on a basis of couple of programs which help us to support children in need.

We have Food and Safe Water program which is concerned with supporting children with proper nutrition and safe drinking water. Lifesaving Vaccination program is focused on preventive health care in a form of immunization. Preventive Care program is connected with educating children about hygiene and providing them with all the necessary hygiene and wellness supplies.

Thanks to this health plan we have been able to save countless number of children and we hope to save even more. However, it would not be possible without your help and support from our sponsors.

heart in heart hands- warm background


Preventive health care for children in need – help us save innocent lives!

Your help is vital for our actions. We are a non-profit foundation that is why your donations constitute a great support for us. Your kind heart and generosity is able to save thousands of children form unnecessary death.

Now you know how important the preventive care is for children in developing countries. What will you do with this knowledge? Are you willing to join our actions? Children are waiting for your support. Please, give them a chance for a healthy future. Donate for preventive health care for developing countries and stop pointless deaths of innocent children. We are counting on you!