Mali in West Africa – 100,000 children die every year

Mali in West Africa – 100,000 children die every year

Mali is one of the 25 poorest countries in the world. The situation of its inhabitants is really dramatic. Many of them have no access to proper medical care or live more than 5 km away from the nearest healthcare center. Lots of children die outside the hospital with no medical supervision. What’s worse, vast numbers of these deaths could be prevented with simple and cheap medical intervention. The recurring humanitarian crisis, that is becoming a kind of a standard in this country, is making the whole situation even worse.



Quick facts about children in need in Mali

Here are some quick facts about situation of Malian people:

  • 40 % of inhabitants live more than 5 km away from the nearest healthcare center
  • 7 out of 10 deaths of children under 5 years of age occur outside the hospital
  • Mali has the 8th highest mortality rate for children under 5 years of age
  • 128 out of 1000 newborns die
  • 100,000 children die every year in the first few hours of their life
  • only 50% of births are assisted by medical stuff
  • Many mothers die at home during or right after labor


Children at risk in the poorest regions of Mali

The situation of some of the regions in Mali is really dreadful. There are places where only around 12% of births are assisted by medical stuff, over 80% of families live below the national poverty line, half of the inhabitants have no access to safe drinking water, and the development of over 30% of children is stunted by malnutrition and lack of proper medical care.

These conditions are hard to even imagine, much less to live in them. Help from the outside is needed. Mothers and newborn babies should receive proper care. They need access to clean water, proper medical care, a nutritious diet, and knowledge of and access to lifesaving vaccinations. In order to provide mothers and babies with all these things different charity foundations need to cooperate with each other.


Aid for Orphans Relief Foundation helps children in Africa

Aid for Orphans Relief Foundation is helping African children in need. We are helping in Kenya and Cameroon. Your help is vital. Without you, our hands are tied. Even a small gesture matters to us and to children in Africa.




Your good will can stop unnecessary deaths. Give those children a chance to live by donating to Aid for Orphans Relief Foundation.