Kenya – malnourished orphans await your help!

Kenya – malnourished orphans await your help!

Orphans in Ken369_1138ya – Arap Moi Children’s Home

Arap Moi Children’s Home is situated in Nakuru, Kenya. Nakuru is the 4th largest town in this country and it is located in the East African River Valley. Arap Moi Orphanage is run by the local branch of Child Welfare Society of Kenya. Currently, the orphanage takes care of up to 500 children. The whole facility houses not only children’s home, but also nursery school, health center, and baby wing. It is also concerned with such services as fostering, homes, and adoption.

This children’s home is focused on promoting welfare of children, encouraging their development, and helping them with difficult issues such as abandonment, neglect, poverty, cruelty, abuse, and loss of parents. Many of kids living in this orphanage need intensive care and special protection. Around 24 persons working as teachers, caretakers, security, and administrators are doing everything in their power to support all the children in need.

Problem of malnutrition at Arap Moi Orphanage

Unfortunately, the orphanage’s revenue comes from individual donors. That is why this institution has to rely only on your and our good will. Due to this situation, sometimes this facility has to face some difficulties connected with money shortages. The kids of need all kinds of help and in order to provide them with this help lots of funds are needed.

Many of children who live in Arap Moi Orphanage is fighting with malnutrition. This horrible state causes many health problems. Malnourished children cannot grow and develop to their full potential and are prone to developing all kinds of infections. They have no chance for normal life. Special substances are needed in order to help them survive.

RUTF – lifesaving read-to-use therapeutic food

RUTF, ready-to-use therapeutic food, is an energy-dense and micronutrient-enriched paste which is given to children who suffer from malnutrition. This substance is their chance to gain weight and, in consequence, start a normal, healthy life.

Aid for Orphans Relief Foundation has been able to help many orphans at Arap Moi Children’s Home gain weight and survive through this difficult state. By sending RUTF we have managed to save many innocent lives. RUTF is given to a malnourished child 3 times a day for 8 weeks. Your good will is enough to save life of at least 1 child.

Help us save malnourished children

Only $99 is enough for 1 complete treatment for 1 child. Thanks to this money we are able to treat a child for 8 weeks. You can help us deliver RUTF to even more malnourished children in Kenya. You are able to give them a chance for a healthy life and, possibly, save them from death.


Please donate now to AORF to send more RUTF to the Arap Moi Orphanage