Quadruplets from Ghana need your help

Quadruplets from Ghana need your help

At the beginning of September, 2015, we have received a very touching letter. It has been written by Mr. Usman T. Ibrahim who was speaking on behalf of his organization El-Ehsan Charitable Relief Foundation. We read about 4 newborn babies whose fate seems to be sealed. And this fate will be worse than death if nobody will help them.

Our main idea is to help children. Aid for Orphans Relief Foundation has been established to support and look after those kids who need our help the most. Now, we are needed in Ghana where four innocent children were born. Their mother had to be operated in order to be able to give birth to them. Life is hard for them from the early beginning and reasons for this are countless. We would like to tell you about their situation so you could, too, learn their story as they are definitely children at risk.


Orphans right after birth

Donate and save kids at risk from Ghana

As we already said, there are four of them – four sweet innocent babies who became orphans. Lack of loving care of mother or father is a serious problem for a newborn baby. Although, those cute creatures have some relatives, the rest of their family is too poor to provide them with anything. Unfortunately, there is a lot that they need.

Because of obvious reasons, they have no access to breast feeding. Every day they have to consume a can of powder milk which costs 50 GHS. That is around $12. This is a really big amount of money considering average wages of African families. Food being for us common good becomes for them something almost impossible to get. In order to stay healthy, those poor children need also proper clothing and all the necessary medications. Without these supplies all that waits for them is suffering.

Without proper nutrition, they will starve to death and this death is a painful one. Without clothes their delicate skin will be exposed to sun, wind, and various kinds of damages. They fine little bodies will be totally unprotected. Last but not least, without medications those children are totally vulnerable to all kinds of diseases, infections, bacteria, and parasites. They simply stand no chance in the battle for survival.


Even charitable foundation is not enough

Donate and save orphans at risk from Ghana

At the moment, they are under the care of El-Ehsan Charitable Relief Foundation. Unfortunately the foundation itself does not have enough supplies to take care of all four children simultaneously. They lack money and other supplies to support those kids. That is why Mr. Usman T. Ibrahim wrote to Aid for Orphans Relief Foundation asking for help. He is devastated by the fate of those kids. His hands are tight. He can do only as much as the resources of the foundation allow him to.

We feel obliged to give them a helping hand. As soon as we learned about those sweet little quadruplets, we decided to do everything that is in our power to save them from pointless death. Our goal is to provide those kids with food, clothes and necessary medications so they could grow strong and healthy. Unfortunately, we cannot replace their mother or father with any goods but we hope that they will find a loving home – a family which will look after them and surround them with warmth and happiness.

Nevertheless, our possibilities are also limited and that is why we need your help. We believe that you are not a cold-hearted person and that this story touched your heart as much as ours. Think once again about four little, innocent babies who are left alone. They cry every day because their stomachs are empty. They have not enough clothes to protect them from sun during the day and cold during the night. If they get sick, and this is inevitable, there will get no medications to help them fight the disease. Are you going to stand and watch them die?


You can save their lives! Are you going to do nothing?


Aid for Orphans Relief Foundation, El Ehsan Charitable Relief Foundation, and what is more important, four innocent children believe in you. All of us believe in your good heart and all of us count on your support. You have the power to ease the pain of those kids. You can fill their stomachs, clothe them and provide with necessary medication. This is your call. This is your chance to change the world for better. Please, do not miss it because human lives are at stake!

You can help us save those children by donating any amount of money you wish. All the funds that we can gather are simply priceless. If we gather enough money, we would be able to support those kids with particular amount of powder milk, clothes and medications. We could also provide them with necessary hygiene and wellness supplies. Your contribution is extremely important. Please, do not hesitate. Donate now and save children lives.

Of course, we are aware that you may not be able to support us with money. Do not worry. We will gladly accept any kind of help you offer. You can send to us the supplies we need. If you have unused and unexpired powder milk or medications, or children clothes, you can donate them in order to support these newborns from Ghana.

Donate and save children at risk


One person would not be able to save those children but our conjoint actions can bring a real and big change to those children lives. We will be more than happy to cooperate with you.


Please, help us save little infants from Ghana!